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Our designers must have a complete picture of the product mission and lifecycle before drawing a single line of any design. This is the only possible approach if you aspire to ultimately turn a product into something really significant (hopefully into a lifestyle!).


And yet, it is not enough: you must also be very humble and truly valuable. As one of our Team often says, "in the long run, the true value will emerge and prove to be durable, invincible, leaving a beneficial and significant sign." The company’s motto fully reflects this idea.


We contribute to the Italian tradition (which characterizes our essence) a chance to express itself. We do this by giving voice to the variety and complementarity of our backgrounds, blending different and complementary skills and know-how and combining tradition with the future.


With a lean and flat organization, our Studio aspires to be a sort of heir of the renaissance workshop, a place where men used to try, experiment and discuss: we want to work with more focus on the whole work rather than on single portions and single activities. Being a small Studio we can afford to work this way, which would be extremely costly, ineffective and economically risky for firms with larger structures.




On the one hand, this approach is in line with our practice, since Spadaconcept’s activities consist of driving both the development and design phases.  This also includes the creation of prototypes, production assistance, and - beyond the aesthetic aspects - impeccable evaluation of the production.





Applying aesthetics to a product substance, using design as a means to fully realize one product’s functionality. Putting product functionality at the core of the problem (of a product, small or big, we must always ask ourselves the following question: "of what use is it?" this allows us to conceive and design a product having in mind a broader and strategic perspective of that product’s role along its whole lifecycle.


Spadaconcept focuses primarily on the design and conception of objects through the approach of functional design: this means that every design detail is guided with the thought of production and efficiency of use.


"It's not that complicated to draw a drop-dead gorgeous silhouette. It's far harder to design a useable car that really drives on genuine roads. Car designers tend to forget that their creations are meant to host actual people with grown-up bodies, heads, arms, and legs."

-Ercole Spada (Spada, Waft)

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